Demonstrators protest retirement salaries of officials in Diwaniya

Demonstrators protest retirement salaries of officials in Diwaniya

Diwaniya ( Hundreds of people organized a demonstration in front of the office of the Parliament in Diwaniya province.The demonstrators demanded to cancel the articles (37 and 38) of the general pension law where the demonstration witnessed the participation of several members of Diwaniya Provincial Council who confirmed supporting the demonstrators by submitting their demands to the concerned authorities.The demonstrators rose slogans demanded their rights in resources of Iraq and protested the huge funds paid to the retirement salaries for members of the Parliament and officials of the three Presidencies in comparison to the retirement salaries allocated for regular citizens.The protestors conduced a symbolic funeral in which they held a coffin that held the sentence ”The conscience of the Parliament” then they delivered their demands to the representatives of the Parliament in Diwaniya province. \END\

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