POLITICS: Iraq’s Prime Minister warns from over-rejoice for US troops departure from Iraq

BAGHDAD /IraqiNews.com: Iraq‘s Prime Minister, Nouri al-Maliki, has warned on Sunday from what he termed as “over rejoice,” for the departure of the US Forces from Iraq.”I warn from over-rejoice for the success, because it may keep us busy from the prerequisites for the future phase,” Maliki said in avestival, called “The Eternal Day,” that took place in Baghdad on Sunday, Jan.1, 2012, adding that “the achievements in the lives of peoples and nations are the fruits presented by the nation in one of the phases of its life.”Maliki called for “shouldering responsibility in the next phases,” wondering: “What is next, and how we invest this success for which the world had directed its lights on us?””The foreign presence had ended, and such transformation necessitates a bunch of needs and prerequisites,” he said, stressing:”we must not be overwhelmed by the high successes we have achieved..We must depend on our people to achieve energies, because our people are hiding such energies, and today, as soon as Iraqis have felt the winds of freedom, such energies beganto appear on all levels.”Noteworthy is that the majority of Iraqi provinces have witnessed broad occasions on the occasion of the departure of the US forces from Iraq, according to the Agreement signed between Baghdad and Washington in 2008.1662

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