POLITICS: Maliki: “There are thieves for any success – revolution.”

BAGHDAD / IraqiNews.com: Iraq‘s Prime Minister, Nouri al-Maliki, has warned on Sunday from what he described as “an attempt to rob the success, achieved in Iraq, by some “hateful” people, considering them as “a dangerous hate that must be cooled down.” Maliki said in a speech in a festival called the “Eternal Day,” held in Baghdad on Sunday, 1/1/2012, that: “Any success by a wise nation shall make those hateful people to boost their hate towards such success, because of the fact that not all Iraqis have rejoiced, due to fact that any successful person has enemies.and any right has its opponent, and every Moses has his ?”Pharaoh and every Hussein has his Yezid,” in a hint to Prophet Moses, Egypt’s Pharaoh and Imam Hussein Bin-Ali and the Amovite Khalif Yezid, who ordered the killing of Hussein in the dawn of Islam. “There are some people who did not feel happy for the said success, and some incidents have taken place in Iraq nowadays, that should have been postponed for a month or two, but they took place these days to undermine Iraq‘s rejoice in this day, because any victory has its fateful elements and any victory has its rejoiced people,” he said. Maliki asked: “How can we join the rejoiced people and ease up the hate of the hateful ones? and how can we tell them that the past had been better?,” saying: “We must not deal with them from the logic of hatefulness, stemming from our responsibility to protect the successes and victories, because any success and any revolution have their thieves; who are more dangerous from all those who are rejoiced and who don’t know those thieves.” Noteworthy is that the Iraqi Arena is witnessing a political and security tension, due to the demands by some provinces to announce their administratively and economically independent “Regions,” including Salahal-Din, Diyala and Anbar, in protest to the marginalization, detentions and eradication, amid similar expectations by other provinces to announce such “Regions.” The tension has also increased after the issuance of an arrest warrant by the Iraqi Interior Ministry against Vice-President, Tariq al-Hashimy, taking place along with broad political differences and conflicts between the two largest political alliances that won the elections – the State of Law Alliance, led by Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki and al-Iraqiya Alliance, led by former Prime Minister, Iyad Allawi, charging Maliki with following an “individual course in the State administration and power leadership. SKH (ST)1922

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